Mister Richardson’s
Bible Doctrine Class

Chapter 3: The Clarity, Necessity, and Sufficiency of Scripture

These words which I command you this day shall be upon your heart; and you shall teach them diligently to your children,
and shall talk of them when you sit in your house, and when you walk by the way, and when you lie down, and when you rise.

- Deuteronomy 6:6,7

A. The Clarity of Scripture
Clarity of Scripture means that the Bible is written in such a way that its teachings are able to be understood by all who will read it seeking God's help and be willing to follow it.
  1. The Bible affirms its own clarity - Psalm 19:7; 119:130, Matthew 12:3.
  2. Moral and spiritual qualities are needed for right understanding - 1 Corinthians 2:14.
  3. Why do people misunderstand Scripture?
    • We are all sinful and fall short of God’s standard.
    • We need better hermeneutics (methods of interpretation).
    • We need better exegesis (process of interpreting a text).
  4. Practical encouragements
    • There will be differences over minor doctrine, so there is liberty.
    • If the Bible is difficult, the fault lies somewhere else.
  5. The role of scholars.
    • They fulfill the office of teacher - 1 Corinthians 12:28.
    • They lead in the continual process of applying the Scriptures.
    • They defend the Bible against its opponents.
    • They are a supplement for the good of the church.
B. The Necessity of Scripture
The Necessity of Scripture means that the Bible is necessary for knowledge of the gospel, for maintaining spiritual life, and for certain knowledge of God’s will, but is not necessary for knowing that God exists or for knowing something about God’s character and moral laws.
  1. The Bible is necessary for knowledge of the gospel - Romans 10:13-17. One must either read the gospel message for oneself or hear it from another person.
    • What about those who haven’t heard the gospel? - John 14:6
      • Inclusivism is wrong.
      • Universalism is wrong.
    • What about people in the Old Testament? - Hebrews 11:13.
  2. The Bible is necessary for maintaining spiritual life - Matt 4:4.
  3. The Bible is necessary for certain knowledge of God’s will - Deut 29:29; Psalm 1:1,119:1, 1 John 5:3.
  4. The Bible is not necessary for knowing of God’s existence, character, or morality.
    • General (or natural) revelation is general knowledge about God from nature - Psalm 19:1,Romans 1:19-21.
    • Special revelation is knowledge from the Bible to a specific people.
    • General revelation cannot save you, special revelation is necessary.
C. The Sufficiency of Scripture
Sufficiency of Scripture means that the Bible contains all the words of God that He intended His people to have at each stage of redemptive history, and that it now contains everything we need God to tell us for salvation, for trusting Him perfectly, and for obeying Him perfectly. - 2 Tim 3:16
  1. We can find answers to our questions
  2. The amount of Scripture has been sufficient at each stage of redemptive history
  3. Practical applications
    • Be encouraged to search the Bible for answers.
    • Do not add to Scripture - Rev 22:18.
    • Other sources are not equal to Scripture.
    • Do not add more sins or requirements that Scripture does.
    • Be content with God’s word that He has given us.

The ultimate reason why Scripture is clear, necessary, and sufficient is because Jesus Christ Himself is clear, necessary, and sufficient.

Blameless, clarity of Scripture, exegesis, general revelation, hermeneutics, natural revelation, necessity of Scripture, special revelation, sufficiency of Scripture.

1. Why do people sometimes misunderstand Scripture?
2. Name and describe three things for which the Bible is necessary.
3. What can people know about God apart from the Bible?
4. Did the doctrine of the sufficiency of Scripture apply to people in the Old Testament? Explain.
5. Is there anything required of us by God or forbidden to us by God that is not commanded or forbidden in Scripture? Explain.

1. Why is there so much disagreement among Christians if the Bible is clear in its teaching?
2. Do all passages of Scripture have a right or wrong interpretation? Are there any parts of Scripture that are unclear to you? Which ones?
3. Do you know of anyone who has been saved without the Scripture?
4. Do God’s principles in Scripture ever conflict with feelings, conscience, society, or friends?

Q3: What do the Scriptures principally teach?
A: The Scriptures principally teach what man is to believe concerning God, and what duty God requires of man.

Q39. What is the duty which God requireth of man?
A39. The duty which God requireth of man is obedience to His revealed will.

The Scripture Sufficient Without Unwritten Traditions by Thomas Manton
The Sufficiency of Scripture by John MacArthur
The Bible’s Sufficiency - Tim Challies

The Sufficiency of Scripture - Noel Weeks

Our Lord did not come to tell us that there is a God (the devils know this, and tremble), but to reveal to us such knowledge of God as may stand with our comfort; to teach us how poor, guilty, hell-deserving sinners may draw near to God with hopes in His mercy, and call Him their Father and their Friend.
- John Newton

When the Church loses the Word of God it loses the very means by which God does his work.
- David Wells, Above All Earthly Pow'rs: Christ in a Postmodern World

The saints should never complain of the darkness of the word, but of the darkness of their own hearts!
- Chrysostom

If men were not drowned in lusts and pleasures, all would be clear.
- Thomas Manton

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