Mister Richardson’s
Bible Doctrine
Class Notes

This outline follows our textbook, Bible Doctrine, by Dr. Wayne Grudem.

Grudem's Bible Doctrine on Google Books

1. Introduction to Systematic Theology

The Doctrine of the Word of God
2. The Authority and Inerrancy of the Bible
3. The Clarity, Necessity, and Suffiency of the the Bible

The Doctrine of God
4. The Character of God: Incommunicable Attributes
5. The Communicable Attributes of God
6. The Trinity
7. Creation
8. God’s Providence
9. Prayer
10. Angels, Satan, and Demons

The Doctrine of Man
11. The Creation of Man
12. Man as Male and Female
13. Sin

The Doctrine of Christ
14. The Person of Christ
15. The Atonement
16. Resurrection and Ascension

The Doctrine of the Application of Redemption
17. Common Grace
18. Election
19. The Gospel Call
20. Regeneration
21. Conversion (Faith and Repentance)
22. Justification and Adoption
23. Sanctification
24. The Perseverance of the Saints
25. Death, the Intermediate State, and Glorification